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Hi there!
I am creating a collection of fully blind accessible games, and your game is listed under the "blind support tag".  The word "blind" means different things to different people, and within that wide spectrum their are various levels of expertise with visual UI's.  but as a fully blind gamer, I am wondering what features this game provides for those who can not see the screen at all.  Do you have "screen reader" or "text to speech" support?  Is your game fully playable with a keyboard or controller, rather than having to point the mouse at buttons on the interface? If the answer to those questions is no, it would still be great to know what options are provided for those with less severe visual impairments, so that I might make them aware of your game's usability for them.  Thank you for any information you can provide, it's very much appreciated! :)

By default, the Renpy engine has support for self voicing (press V on the keyboard at any time to activate it) and controller support for the vast majority of cases. In my experiences testing the controller support, there are one or two menus that don't play well with it and may need a mouse to navigate, but moment to moment gameplay is completely accessible with a controller.

Ah, thank you for the reply!
Just a couple of follow on questions then if you have the time... :)
You mentioned controller support but is their any keyboard support?  Most severely blind people do not own controllers, as most games on consoles are not accessible, most of us exclusively use the keyboard, with some mouse users sprinkled throughout.

Also, does your game include any "alt text" labels on important images?  Are visual indicators for control status' also shown in text?  Both of those things are very important for a truly blind accessible game.


Definitely don't want to give the wrong idea here. I rely pretty heavily on the engine to do the heavy lifting for accessibility features, so there's no "alt text" labels or control status indicators. Keyboard support seems to function exactly the same as the gamepad support, meaning you can use arrow keys to navigate menus and press space bar to confirm/proceed to next dialogue, but certain menus are still going to require input from a mouse.

Gotcha, thanks for giving me the low down. :D
I think I'd call this game partially blind accessible then.  If their is some way you could note that in the description, I think it would help people. Thanks!