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from what i remember their dialogue just isn't in the 0.1 demo yet (either web or download). there's been more written since but it won't be accessible until the next version, whenever that is.

do you mean arrow keys as in instead of wasd? or as in showing them on the screen like the interact button?

i don't know if it'll include favorites (will have to think about it) but your profile will absolutely get filled up as you play in some of the later versions.

ty for the kind words <3

Awesome! i did mean arrow instead of/in addition to wasd but i won't put pressure on it. Thanks for taking the time to respond, I love hearing from creators!

i see! i could add it as a possible default later (especially for having both at once), but in the meantime you should be able to rebind it from the options menu :D

and you're welcome <3 i'm just touched people are still interested given how little ability i've had to work on the game since 0.1