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(1 edit)

This game is so beautiful. There’s a lot of obvious LttP influence here, but the music, the animations, the themes, all the little details like birds or trees swaying in the wind or Ella’s hair by the beach, the sound of the waves crashing on the surf, the attention to lore, the foreign language…

This game is really one of the best on the NES. The intro cut scene makes me tear up every time.

I just finished the demo, which already looks very complete. There’s lots of hints of possible future areas of exploration, which makes me think development has already advanced way past what’s in the demo. I did the first dungeon, which was very fun. I liked the music.

I have niggles: font is sometimes distracting. Combat can sometimes feel like I had no way of dodging. The text-window animation sometimes gives a sense of slowness, makes me impatient for it to appear or disappear. But none of these things have detracted from what so far is a gorgeous game.

I hope you manage to make a release to your satisfaction.