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The atmosphere, lighting, and graphics are all top notch. The inside of the apartment felt well crafted and the view from the windows was a real nice touch. The environmental storytelling works well without having to be told much information. The mold on the walls looked great too!

"Package delivered" audio was barely audible, making it almost seem like a bug when the packages were delivered. Room numbers above the doors would have alleviated a lot of this confusion. Level design felt a little too large in comparison to the size of the apartment. I'm aware there's a lot you couldn't get to from time constraints, but just a few lil suggestions: A cart to push the packages around would have made you really feel like a deliverer lol Some more ambient sounds would have been great too, delivery noises, 'hatch' opening, picking up/dropping boxes.

Very atmospheric for what you've got here. I found myself wondering what was in each of the boxes, how sick those behind the doors might be, and how exactly you got volunteered to do the delivering. Left me wanting a lot more but great job!