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Day 10 - I got the splash screen image created now. I used the same gothic font from Resident Evil 2 and 7. Here is what it looks like. BioShock was always clever and added the version number to the logo too, so I did the same thing. The light saber represents version 1. 

Level 1 is finished. I have started on the second level now. I will post some pictures once I get it somewhat looking polished. I still have a few game mechanics to finish, and will try to do that in between level building. I had said I would do 20 levels, some with different game mechanics. I am not sure how many I will be able to finish on time. If I get 5 or more, I will be happy with the game.

Looking awesome, Doug! Can't wait to try this out!

Curious, do you think you could add the saber/light sword into the logotype itself? Maybe in one of the "I"s? Give it that Yellow color. Or you could place it right under the typeface in full length. Just some ideas. I really like what you're doing!

Good idea. Resident Evil 7 used the VIL to make VII or seven in roman numerals.  A puzzle to solve in their name. Along that line, i did the same thing with just the I for 1.