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(1 edit)

I enjoyed chasing the chickens around the level. It felt novel to corral them into the coop without grabbing them. The radius in which the chickens start running away from you felt a little big - whenever I spotted a chicken, I would have to take a large detour in order to get behind them and to avoid moving them in the wrong direction. Since there's an in-game time limit,  there's a good chance that you run around quickly and accidentally run into a chicken and chase them into the wrong direction. It might help if the radius were slightly smaller to give the player more time to react to chickens that are just appearing on screen.

I enjoyed the music. It added to the pleasantness of the game, and made it feel like a simple farm day instead of a timed task.

A fun little game about gathering chickens.

Tysm!! This is some great feedback!! :)