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In a game where I should feel objectively less powerful due to not having a character to control, I somehow feel the opposite. Very well executed concept that I can only hope realizes its potential.


It's not like you don't have a control over characters, it's just clearly stated that you're nothing but a faceless puppeteer, pulling strings from where no one can see you.

Faceless isn't wholly accurate, between certain irl grimoires, the silhouettes in the affinity wheel and descriptions in game we can presume our player character is a goat.

I kinda thought those icons are just way mortals are giving shape to indescribable immortal creatures without physical body. But you may have a point. We'll have to be patient to find that out. Also, maybe it's just me, but I think it looks more like a serpent.

I thought it was a stylized goat head. Which makes sense because the goat represents Lust in the Ancrene Wisse