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Deleted 281 days ago

In my opinion, "I owe you a beer" event is the event that we first understand what's in Logan mind all along. It understandable to be the event which give us his 2nd heart. Anyway, this event is kinda RNG since it not 100% to trigger, and if someone has not sleep in the house, there no way triggers this event and easily miss a chance to get the heart.

I think, in the future update, Hyao may add some new event which give us a heart for someone who miss the heart from I owe you a beer event or make this event can trigger even we have his 2nd from Trouble in den event.

it would be nice to have that for people who missed out on the heart or skipped it by accident but I don't know how Hyao would add that. the point of it is that you DON'T sleep with Logan because he's not ready, but if you complete his storyline, he is. meaning Hyao would need to either rewrite it or just let it be a weird thing in progression.

however Hyao will be adding other ways to get hearts with characters so you can still get 3 hearts at minimum since the max we know about hearts is four, meaning Logan is going to get one more guaranteed heart event. maybe we can get more hearts later and that will add to the minimum but we don't know right now lol.


It appears to me that Logan is the "High difficulty" romance option, so making it easier to get his hearts defeat the purpose...