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I'm angry about how good this game is. It's absolutely incredible.

The art is great. The humor is great. The characters are great (I will protecc Gub the grumpy hard snake with my life). The UX and controls are great. The freedom you give the player to explore this island by themselves is great. The simple yet rewarding puzzles are great. The task variety is great. The optional collectibles are great. Everything about this is great. And it makes me angry. 

Five stars across the board. You two deserve it. My goodness. Fantastic game.


I'd appreciate it if you could find the time to check out my own entry, The Chronicles of Mega-Mart! What it lacks in hard snakes, it makes up for in sea monsters and wise old sages! :)


Thank you for the kind words. Don't be angry, it's all just fun and games :D

We will surely check out your game when we get a chance.