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I want ask, can someone help me im stuck at vampire pirate quest where i had to find the pirate capt and how to open the safe at the room i can't find any clue to open it, please help me i already search clue anywhere but find nothing.

Everything you need to solve the puzzle is in that room. Look carefully at the placement of the clothing and at the note placed in front of the door.

What r we to do i tryed to add but i cant get the code i dont know if there r some we r to inor or not and i'm starting to brut fores it

I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking. Are you having difficulty with a puzzle?

Yes when i try to do the puzzle the numbers i get is r 8,9,6 but it doesn't work so i'm waiting to know if there r rules like don't add or - the number 

Math is not required.just find a pattern in the clothes and match the numbers.