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Hey there and welcome to Blades! These scores are meant to establish framing fiction. Whatever you do, don't think of these Scores like a module. Unlike more traditional GM-led games, Blades happens as a conversation at the table, kind of like a writer's room. If you prep, the game will fight you. So this is a starting point. 

This is the establishing shot. You've got a paragraph telling you about the job, then a list of possible Patrons who might be approaching you to do this job. There's a wrinkle, or Problem, that stands in the way of you just waltzing in and making it happen. There's a Payday which is the reward that you can expect at the end of the Score. Down at the bottom are some example clocks that you can throw in when the Score's in progress to ratchet up the tension.

Basically you can mix and match any of these elements and go. You can work through it like a checklist at the table with your Crew, asking which bit they think is most interesting for each heading. 

As far as what the Heist is, there aren't any here. Blades in the Dark is largely pitched as a "Heist" game, but not every game plays out like Ocean's Eleven. Theft and Infiltration's only a very narrow piece of what the game does. These are Smuggler's Scores, largely dealing with getting from here to there discreetly or against all odds. The "Heist" is more a matter of having prepared for the obstacles, flashing back to putting things in motion before danger or suspicion reared. We still plan in reverse, but it's not to have someone holding the door for us or clipping the red wire just as the camera turns.

Hoo-boy, that ended up longer than I wanted it to be, but hopefully something in there was helpful. If you've got one that's throwing you for a loop or you want to talk through one together, I'd be happy to walk you through how I use these at the table.