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(1 edit) (+1)

The only complaint I have about this is really just the lack of levels (and yes I do understand the time issue). All the mechanics were there and were really well made, I just didn't feel like they were used to their fullest extent. I would've liked to see some combining of the crushers and magnets, for example, and I wish there were more puzzle elements here instead of being purely a timing game. That all really comes down to just a lack of levels though. Other than that, I have nothing else to complain about. The levels that were there were fun (if a little easy), the mechanics were really cool and interesting, the game looked nice, the sounds that were there were fine (though it was missing background music), and overall, it was fun to play.

(Also if you could play, rate, and give feedback on my game as well that would be much appreciated)

Thank you so much for the feedback! I realize the lack of gameplay is an issue because of the limited time I had to work on the game. Most mechanics are only used once as the only levels I made were pretty much tutorials for the different machines, so I didn't really get to mix them as I originally wished. Sound came last second so it's understandable that it is lacking. 
I will check out your game later :)