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Great to hear that you loved it.

More will be coming, there is a lot more planned and written already.
But I wonder what you mean by more history? Like a bio for the characters?

The game is nowhere near done, so I won't be working on a sequel for a long while :P

You managed to create a story for each character, all very inspiring, captivating and making you want to know more.

And so, when I say "More stories", ultimately I was talking about waiting for each character's stories to continue. :)

Like Rebecca's, will our character get closer to her ?

Will there be other activities with Cayenne ?

Maya ? But who are you ? lol

Amber, Lisa and Mary ? When is the foursome ? xD

Lyn... We don't see him anymore... :'(

Ralala, I could talk for hours about this game so much that I loved it !

I had to stay there for a few days on it. ^^" And I think I've reached the maximum unlockable.

Oh ! And then the bodies of the characters ! WOW ! Bonnie ! OMG ! and Katrine...phew...HOT ! And Luna's breasts... O_O are wonderful !

In short, I loved it !

PS: I don't expect answers to my questions, these are questions that I ask myself. :)