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The best weight gain game !!!

We have a multitude of stories !

We see the evolution on each girl, there are great animations, what more could you ask for ?

Maybe more history and more evolution, we want more !!! xD

Can't wait to see if we can interact with Bonnie's former partner, if we can make Trista and Maya fatter.

Too bad Lyn's story ends abruptly.
And I want the rest of the story in the hospital !!! >.<

And thank you for this extraordinary experience, looking forward to the sequel ! :)


Great to hear that you loved it.

More will be coming, there is a lot more planned and written already.
But I wonder what you mean by more history? Like a bio for the characters?

The game is nowhere near done, so I won't be working on a sequel for a long while :P

You managed to create a story for each character, all very inspiring, captivating and making you want to know more.

And so, when I say "More stories", ultimately I was talking about waiting for each character's stories to continue. :)

Like Rebecca's, will our character get closer to her ?

Will there be other activities with Cayenne ?

Maya ? But who are you ? lol

Amber, Lisa and Mary ? When is the foursome ? xD

Lyn... We don't see him anymore... :'(

Ralala, I could talk for hours about this game so much that I loved it !

I had to stay there for a few days on it. ^^" And I think I've reached the maximum unlockable.

Oh ! And then the bodies of the characters ! WOW ! Bonnie ! OMG ! and Katrine...phew...HOT ! And Luna's breasts... O_O are wonderful !

In short, I loved it !

PS: I don't expect answers to my questions, these are questions that I ask myself. :)