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Good setting and graphics! I think you can see like, the ink on the  next page in the introductory letter texture? Everything about the place (the audio and the map and everything) is detailed and immersive. Filling in witness statements is flavourful and made me feel like a detective, though the fact that it's a simple reading comprehension test makes me wish it wasn't repeated ten times. My playthrough ended after I had filled in maybe half of them and I ran into the doctor's puzzle. I took one look at that beast and knew it wasn't for me.

Thank you so much for playing and the feedback!

The witness statements aren't all necessarily just entering in exactly what the crew said - there may be some logical explanations for what some of them experienced and you have to make some deductions there. You could try figuring them out even without solving the doctor's puzzle.  I understand those kinds of puzzles may not be fun for everyone. In case you'd like to continue the game, you could look at the walkthrough file in the downloads section for a solution to the doctor's puzzle. Either way, I'm really glad you enjoyed the setting! :)