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this is so interesting and the way we slowly build up our relationship with them is even better.the fact that they argue a lot makes it so realistic,maybe because it’s written very good- good job ! this is turning fantastic,can’t wait for the next update on the continuation of the chapter 9- i am trembling from how excited i am about the plot. lol kian is so misterious in a way that i can0t help but follow the path to see more of his story and romance building up.btw on my pc, it does not let me save,it says error and other type of error writing,idk why.the autosave tho is working,so ia mglad about it, keep up the good work!

if you're playing on the app, you need to enable "autoname saves" in settings for it to save :)) but thank you for playing!! i'm excited to show you more of everyone's relationships and k's mystery hehe


Thank you so much!!and I can’t wait ~