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Ahahaha this was such a fun game to play with! I adore Saru's shirt, split splat, and the comedic tones such as the fact that Saru is allergic to bananas despite being a somewhat monkey (are orangutans part of the monkey thing?) and I love how unique and different the 3 predators are, yet they're all so funny and entertaining. I think Saru's cowardly dynamic suits well with Hebi unrepetant slyness and the fact that he's all too willing to bully Saru, but I also like how Saru is kind of like the voice of reason to Fuzu's tendency to space out, and Saru and Hyou's energy are so high up because Saru is so damn nervous while I envision Hyou to have so much excitable energy. 

Honestly it's so funny to me, I enjoyed playing it a lot and congrats in making it in 2 days! That must have shaved off a few years in your lifespan...