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Hello. Author. There is a bug I'd look to report. I've only discovered this when struggling with the Hardcore level but after dying reportedly; I can't hit the restart button with the controller with a direct A. That is to say the button wasn't automatically selected. It was still clickable with a mouse however. And it was only one in a couple losses too, not constantly. 

This is an issue I've been aware of since I set up controller support, but unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it! If I do find a way to fix that in the future, I will update the game to reflect that!

I actually think I already have the answer. Whenever you open up the restart panel you can call "EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(restartButtonGameObjectName);". This should in theory make the restart button automatically selected.


I appreciate the help, but this game was made in Unreal Engine 5 using blueprints with some pretty complex (and kind of arbitrary) menu controller integration.

If I do figure out how to fix it, I will update the game!