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(1 edit)

I give this game a 7/10. 

The Good - 

The atmosphere was amazing. I was very spooked. I especially like the Puppet Combo retro / found footage style to the game, as I feel it adds to the atmosphere a ton.

The gameplay was easy and once I learned the controls I never had a problem remembering which button to press in order to do a certain action.

The audio was fantastic in the sense that I was on the edge of my seat whenever the music started playing, or when I jumped out of my seat as soon as the jump scare hit. 

The Bad - 

Though the gameplay was good, the game doesn't tell you how to play. I was confused for a second on how to control the car for an example. 

The English is very broken. There are a lot of grammatical errors which can decrease the amount of atmosphere in the game. 

Instructions were clear, but the delivery on some elements of the game were not. When I was walking down the hiking trail, a text just appeared out of nowhere saying that I needed to examine the tent. To make this better, I would suggest pausing the character movement and panning the camera towards the tent, THEN show the text. After you're done showing the text, you pan the camera back to the original camera position, and enable to character to walk again. 

I also made a video with this game in it. The gameplay footage of your games starts at 31 seconds.