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I would love to add the Sonic games, and more Tiger handhelds in general, but the difficulty is finding scans of the instructions :( If you know of anyone who might have it please ask them to contribute and I would gladly work on the simulation. In the mean time, you can play an emulation of Sonic by Tiger online at the Internet Archive

I found a manual for Sonic 3, albeit, the Hasbro version. Here's a link:

(2 edits)

Cool. Thanks! Yeah, it's the manual for the 2020 Hasbro re-release. 

I did manage to find a scan of the original 1994 game at Sonic Retro. Here is the  download link:

I'll review some gameplay videos (like this one) to see if I can recreate the game, but I think I'll need to find someone who owns the original game to collaborate with for an accurate simulation.