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A member registered Sep 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the suggestion Claudio!  It's on my list of games to add. I just need to find a scan of the instructions. See this post about it.

(1 edit)

Welcome to RetroFab! A desktop app to play the sims offline is in  development. If you click the follow button you'll be notified of new developments and updates in your feed. 

No problem. Thanks for the feedback :) 

Welcome back! Congrats on the "new" phone.  Auto-zooming is one of the features I need to implement.  Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks! I can't seem to replicate the issue. I thought maybe it's when you're rotating a piece just as it hits the ground, but that seems fine. Maybe you were looking at the upper part of the board (having pressed the SET button to scroll up) in which case the piece would appear to move past the bottom of the screen as it still hasn't  hit the ground? 

Yes, once I get the emulator fully working. Thanks for playing! 

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Sorry for the late reply. Yes, this will eventually be available as a Windows download once I get the emulator fully working. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing and welcome to RetroFab!


Love It! 

Thanks for the suggestion!

(3 edits)

A desktop app to play the sims offline is in development.
More details and download available here.

Thanks for playing! 

Nice! Thanks for sharing :)

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Thanks for playing! I do plan to eventually add the remaining G&W titles to the collection :) 

Great job on the video! And that score is insane!! Well done.

No trouble at all. The attacking speed is now capped at level 20 :)

I've done some initial work on it already, but I still need to find scans of the instructions.

Thanks for playing!

Both issues are probably related to performance. Try changing to a lower quality setting through the options menu [keyboard shortcut: F4]. Also choosing one of the simpler backgrounds and exiting full screen will help.

Looks interesting! Thanks for the suggestion. I'll do some research to see if a simulation is possible.

Thanks for the feedback! It's great to hear these simulations continue to bring back childhood memories of playing these games.

I'll see what I can find.

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Whoa... level 22! That's crazy good. Okay, I've now capped the attacking speed in the newest build so it doesn't increase after level 21. Btw, have you tried Cuphead LCD? With your reaction speed I'm sure you would do really well.  Currently the  best time on the leaderboard for Game A is 2 minutes and 45 seconds. 

Thanks for the suggestion!

The instructions are now available for Space Bridge :)

No problem. It's now set to 5% :)

Thanks so much mate! I'll let you know when I've updated Space Bridge with these great scans. As always, your contributions are greatly appreciated. 

Thanks! Do you own any of these?

No problem. It's easy to change. It's now 7.5% in the latest build.

I managed to find the issue with DK Jr! It's now fixed for both tabletop and panorama  :)

Okay, I've updated the build and went with increasing the speed of the sharks coming at the player. From Level 15 onwards the speed will increase by 10% with each new level. If it gets too fast too quick I can drop  it back down to 5%, but with 10% you should definitely notice the increase in speed. Let me know how it goes.

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Thanks for your feedback. In Diamond Hunt the 50 points is awarded for crossing the middle screen only if you are playing  just Game B.  If you're playing all three games together (Game ABC) then it doesn't add 50 points. 

Thanks for reporting  your issue with Donkey Kong Jr. I wasn't able to replicate the problem in a few quick playthroughs that I did just now (I was able to unlock all 4 chains without any problem), but I'll keep trying to see if I can recreate your scenario with more testing. 

Great idea. Definitely worth a try. I'm currently knee deep in refactoring the RetroFab core, but as soon as I have it stable again, I'll update the build. Possibly some time this weekend, or at the latest Monday when the next RetroFab release will come out. Cheers.

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Thanks for sharing! Apparently there are  around nine games in this  'Long Screen' series by Tiger Electronics. Looks interesting. 


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Ah, that's interesting! Thanks for letting me know. And thanks, once again, for all your help in making this simulation possible. Hopefully I'll be able to eventually add the other two games in the series, Planet Zeon and Jungle Fighter, to RetroFab as well. Cheers.

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Thanks! It's great to hear these enhancements add to the experience of playing these vintage electronic games.

It's at the max already. There's probably something else that needs to be tweaked to rebalance the game at these speeds, but given I don't have a way to play the original game myself it's going to be hard to nail down. I think taking a break from it for while and then relooking at it again at some point in the future might help. Fortunately most people will still be able to enjoy the game without hitting this problem.