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(1 edit)

Loving the new additions. I especially like the Dick Smith branded edition of the VTech CreatiVision given that I'm Australian and Dick Smith Electronics was a big part of Australian electronics back in the 80's (Australia's answer to RadioShack).

I thought the Balloon Fight screen showing the background through the screen was a bug at first. Then realised it was a feature, havent seen those models in the wild before.

(2 edits)

Thanks! I thought I'd share some of the 3D models of vintage game consoles I created. I plan to try my hand at modelling a few others. If I manage to do enough of them I might eventually release them on RetroFab. The Dick Smith edition of the CreatiVision was the best set of images I found online to base the 3D model on :) 

Yeah, Balloon Fight was one of three games released by Nintendo in the Crystal Screen series. The other two, Super Mario Bros. and Climber are already available on RetroFab. Besides the see through screen, they were also the first Game & Watches to have platformer-style scrolling. I think the whole design of the Crystal Screen was cool, but they weren't popular at the time (since they were impractical to play on the go). They are difficult to find these days and are very sort after by collectors.