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I must admit, I didn't expect the video and popularity that Manly got for this game could've ended up as both a positive and negative effect. Thanks for telling me that, I learned something new now

And don't worry about the expectations of you with regards, Although I may not you know personally or your friends working with you, I trust you all have it all figured and planned and with this, It's all going to end up good in the end

So there was people who donate a bit of money to you along with saying "add this into game" as a demand. I am surprised to hear that as happened but don't worry, I'm not going to act like that and say something like "add this to game right now because it sounds good". Instead I just want to give you a few ideas I had in mind and you can entirely decide if you want to add or refuse them. I'll be alright with either choice you make. 

So I would like you to give you my ideas through discord has I had seen you mention it. Do you perhaps have a server for this or do you want to give your tag and I can give you my ideas there?

Or if you want me to say them here on this comment section, I'll be perfectly okay with that

Neither did I, haha. It was all so incredible in the beginning cos it started out as 100% positivity, but I suppose it was inevitable that with more attention, it was gonna end up attacked at some point by people who don't like it >.< Sometimes it's for the strangest reasons too! For example, I've had people have a go at me just because there are pronoun choices. Or because you can choose Castor instead of Castoria. I don't really get why anyone would get so angry at there essentially being more choice and inclusiveness in a game x3 If you don't like the other pronouns, or you only want to pick Castoria and never Castor, then you can... No one is forcing the options, so if you don't want them, just ignore them. At least that would be my logic, haha. 

To be honest, when I started out making my first game, I never imagined in a million years that I'd end up getting hate mail of any kind o.O I kinda didn't think anyone would even find or play my games really, haha.

It's up to you if you're comfortable posting your ideas here or if you'd prefer to email them to me ( I am also on discord, but I find it a lot easier to respond to stuff here on itch or by email cos of the character limits on Discord and my inability to condense my rambling >.<

Whichever you end up doing, just know that it might take me quite a while to get back to you >.< I try my best to be as fast I can with responding to first-time messages and questions, but after that, I usually try and start responding to stuff in date order, and because I fell so far behind on that sort of thing while my arm was broken, I'm struggling to catch up again on replies atm. I just wouldn't want you to send something and then not hear from me for ages and think I'm ignoring you is all, cos that absolutely isn't the case >.< I'm just a bit in over my head right now and will reply when I can :3 For reference, it might wind up being around 2-3 months >.<