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(1 edit)

Glad the update is going well. Really looking forward to... wait...saves don't cross over to new updates?... So THAT'S what happened to my progress last update...and it explains why my saves were all weird...MKRU!? I THOUGHT I WAS GOING NUTS!!

Yeah saves have never carried over between updates. It’s written in the readme file, but no one ever looks through that lol.

...I fully concede that my ignorance is my own fault in this instance as I never read the readme file...though I will also like to point out that putting the disclaimer regarding saves not carrying over from update to update into the readme file instead of stating it as a warning in the game description is the best trol I've seen in a while. Intentional or not, the idea of people just going through their saves and combing through the description wondering where their saves went is funny. And yes I understand the irony of that statement.