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My build resulted in a bugged game, but I loved your video of it:

Problem was probably me:

Oh gosh this is terrible. Could you share the operating system and architecture you're running it on so I can try and reproduce?

(2 edits)

I don't really want to admit my crappy test linux environment ;p

Debian bullseye linux container on an amd64 chromebook.

In general sdl2 works fine for me in my common lisp ffi .. Is it possible I did something really wrong with chicken-install ?

The *game* works fine- there's a long, black load time but then, despite the messed up graphics I can move around with wsad and the charges get attracted as expected (and I die when I hit the edge)


Hi, I just had a go at building and running the game on Debian 11 bullseye (amd64). I unfortunately cannot reproduce the bug you're experiencing. Sadly I don't own a chromebook so I'm not able to match your exact conditions. As it stands I don't have a solution to help you :(. I can only suggest that you try it out on a different setup.

With regards to the "loading time" at the start of the game, the game actually has a 3s wait time while it displays the instructions on how to play. This is probably what you're seeing as a "blank screen". The game is so simple it pretty much loads instantly otherwise.

I think I just have to burn this laptop to the ground and put a modern linux on it