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(2 edits)


So today felt like I made progress then I went backwards back to where I stopped last night.

I went back to Unity to see if I could resolve the issue I had yesterday. I was able to find the solution I needed for the mouse events and even learned a few things along the way. Hooray! Then I ran into another issue where the instances of my prefabs were firing off commands all at the same time, even if I wasn't clicking them directly. It wasn't breaking my prototype, but it just felt weird. I found a way to stop that and have only the objects I clicked on notify me by a print screen. You'd think I'd be happy, but deep down I felt like I was still missing something, and that as I further built the game, something was going to pop up and cause trouble. I chalked it up to still having gaps in my knowledge on Unity. Especially in regards to having multiple instances of a prefab, but needing a prefab variant to account for room warps, items, and enemies. What if clicking on a room warp would somehow cause the item object and the enemy object to fire off their own commands too, all because I'm not sure how to make each specific instance do its own thing and call its own version of a generic script. Anyhow, that cemented my thought to move away from Unity for now and go back to GMS2. So that I did.

I went back to GMS2, fixed a few things that needed fixing, and now I'm back to where I ended yesterday. Although a tiny few steps ahead, as last night there was an issue in GMS2 that needed attention. I got that resolved. 

All in all, at least the time spent going back and forth between Unity and GMS2 has helped me decide to continue building the project with GMS2 and later on try porting it to Unity when I'm not on a deadline. I also learned something about Unity that will be of use later on. So yeah.

That's my update! Not super happy with today, but I'll make the most of it.