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Hey! I played the first part of LGBT (what a tailored name)!

So, these are my first steps in the Oneironverse, and they were pleasant ones!

Eva was an interesting protagonist! I have to appreciate the intersex representation. But even without that, she is an interesting together: as someone who experiences dissociation a lot, she really speaks to me. I also enjoyed the set-up of her two facets.

Lirion must be protected at all costs because they're adorable. I really enjoyed their intervention during the Eva's anxiety crisis. They were present, considerate and leaving her the space and time she needed.

I loved Cassidy's introduction! Her self-confidence was very enjoyable! I actually wish more influencers would dare speak back to their audience (I see some trying their hardest to please their everlastingly complaining audience, and it's always so sad yet frustrating to watch fvgtrrzfs).

I can't say much yet about Meredith, but one thing is sure: I am curious about her now! The overall plot has a nice vibe of mystery, and I'm excited to see it unfold: why do people fall asleep (and does it have a link with the Realm of Dreams mentioned on the game page)?

Looking forward to the rest of the game!


Hi henlo! Glad that you enjoyed your first steps into Oneironverse, I hope the rest can also be enjoyable if you end up getting deeper. Yes, the title was tailored, good job on catching that.

The last time I've ever seen any (legitimate and not fetishizing) intersex representation was... nine years ago or so and I rarely see it being discussed outside of the context of trans discussions (mostly as a "gotcha" point), and that makes me a little sad. I'm not going to say that I'm a champion of representation, but if I can't find rep, I'm going to make it myself lol. Either way, I'm glad you could relate, as someone who used to struggle with dissociating a lot, I know how sometimes you just need to know you're not alone in it. As for the double nature, part two expands on that.

Lirion is meant to be a Certified Friend™ so I'm happy that people love them so much 💖 We all need a bit of softness and understanding in our lives and I hope Lirion's a representation of that.

When it comes to Cass, I think that her attitude is a part of her charm and a contributing factor to her success, in the end – she's loved because she's assertive enough to know when to say "no" to her audience. She had to go through some rough things to get there, but she's very much aware that you can't please everyone, so it's just best to be yourself.

And when it comes to Mer... gods, the things she hides... 

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the first part. See you in Ivehorn soon.