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Wow!!  New update is fantastic!!  Writing and story are delightful as always!!  Graphics and visuals continue to be top notch for this animation style!!  Since CH is FAR more romantic than erotic, in my humble opinion, my, entirely subjective, review will be out of 5 hearts instead of 5 lil swimmers!!  

Writing: 4.8 hearts

Story: 5 hearts easily

Animation: 4.8 hearts

Desire to re-read/re-play: 5 hearts

Angus' total review(what little it is worth lol): 4.9/5.0 hearts

Hey, thanks a lot, man! That's an amazing review :)
I really appreciate your kind words!

just telling it like it is my friend, objectively speaking as both a literary nut and...well, honestly, a bit of a perv lol!!

Not only that, but the interaction between the mc suzu literally friggin melts my heart every..time!!  There is no choice!!

Hehe, I see you can appreciate some cuteness. Yeah, MC and Suzu are great with each other. I love writing for them, too. :)

You seem to know the subtle differences between romanticism and eroticism without them being mutually exclusive!!

I try my best :P