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I love this game, very nice, very wholesome, I loved the powerups and those decisions affected the final boss, however I did want to say that the final boss felt to hard, it might be bc i am not good at Bullet Hell games so maybe tone down the difficulty to make your buff abilities feel a bit stronger and less of a downgrade. Also maybe have an endless mode with the first leading to the 2nd levels, so you can go longer to build stronger and then fight your inner demons as they are also stronger bc people love that increase in power! GG


Thank you so much for your amazing words! :)

Haha yeah, we're especially proud of the boss fight and how it is different based on your powerUps, but yeah I get that it is difficult for sure, and needs even more playtesting to perfect the balancing. Also some powerUps (one especially), might make the boss fight HARD mode :D

Yeah that would be really fun, I'm planning on starting a proper VS style game with a bit of a twist and in that it would for sure have some kind of endless mode where there would be LOADS more of powerUps, since I LOVE the increase in power myself as well :p