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Nope, lol. Next one's going to be even worse. :P
Please don't kill me, though. I kind of need to be alive to continue making CH. Also, I kind of like being alive. Most of the time. :D

not worse plsssss one time end in a not so exciting sceneXD 

But if I can have a Job i will buy patreon from you XD and then I have easier gameplay ^^

There were a couple updates that ended with everyone just going to bed. That's pretty unexciting, no? :D

Ha, I don't know about easier, but I'll take it anyway. Thanks, friend :)

I will let you end your story maybe I will not kill you XD

Haha, too kind of you

yup its me XD

but naah I will be easier in the future so I dont need to wait so long XD

Hehe. Well, if you insist, feel free. I'd appreciate it :)

yea I know you do^^

Haha, I'd hope so. Last thing I want is to seem ungrateful for the support I'm getting.

but you know you get Bad reviews for something called...... CLIFFHANGERS DUM DUM DUUUUUUUUM

I actually do, yeah. Weirdly enough. It's like some people have never watched a show or read a book. Cliffhangers are a completely normal storytelling device :D

yea I know but they are so FRUSTRATING XD

But yea your game is soooo good its better than some other games I play he he I cant wait for the new Updates

Thanks, man! I appreciate you saying that :)