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when the game loaded I didn't know what to do until I scrolled down because the window is too huge for my low-end laptop so I had to scroll down a bit until I find a dog dodging the falling obstacles the game is fun and challenging and I really like the music in the game, nice choice on that one. Would you try out mine and rate it according.

Thank you for playing!  I am really proud of the music. I spent more time on the song than on the actual game. Have you tried going fullscreen? That might solve the issue. Besides that, I have made sure my game runs on the simplest of machines. 

I tried out yours too and left you some feedback! Have a great Jam!


Ooh, you wrote the music by yourself ? the game is super fun to play. Thank you for playing my game D.

Thanks a lot. I had a lot of fun making that song.

ooh interesting and good job on that and for me it's my weak point, I can't make good songs.


that's why everyone collabs! Let's keep polishing our skills and perhaps collab in another game jam. 

I have never done that before I can love to give that a goal one day :)