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(1 edit)

Love how the game looks. Having no sound really build the suspense but some walking and object interaction sound effect would be good to have. The mouse sensitivity is way to slow for me. The "someone" ran into a corner trying to catch me once, funny time.

Had a feeling that escape wasn't an option when I saw the entire doorframe placed outside the wall. Didn't expect it to actually be the case.

Good game. Looking forward for the other ending.

Thank you for playing my game.I will do an update this month.Maybe 2 to 5 endings.So if you want to play it just follow me.And by the way i really loved your game man.And i am really excited for your next game.

Thank you for playing it.Sorry i reply late but i got a new Update.if you want to play it here is the link:

It got multiple ending and so much more.And thank you.And by the way Almost all the bugs are fixed.