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I did not expect to play a horror game in this jam!!! GOTY

But by the way.How do you see it.........

I can't escape the chase I lose everytime :D 

It was supoosed to be 2 ending.But i could not make the other one.So i made only one ending(Spolier alert).IS TO DIE!!!!!!!.So sorry about that.But hopefully you play the full game.That will come sometime soon.

Well I don't want to be a smartass bur a game needs to have a winning condition and a losing condition. You should have put an interaction at the front door to escape, ( i was spamming the keyboard  lol  ) not that hard to implement. Have that in mind for your next one!

Yeah i know about that but i could not have time.So thank you for your information.

Thank you for playing it.Sorry i reply late but i got a new Update.if you want to play it here is the link:

It got multiple ending and so much more.And thank you.And by the way Almost all the bugs are fixed.