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Chokepoint Capitalism by Rebecca Giblin and Cory Doctorow

How To Destroy Surveillance Capitalism by Cory Doctorow 

Survival of the richest by Douglas Rushkoff - An investigative journalist finds that billionaires are aware of the world coming to an end and instead of helping stop it, have decided to see how they can make it so they benefit from it.

BLOG - Cory Doctorow's blog of links. 

Basically everything he does is relevant, but this in particular for us, as it relates to Creative Commons licences, and the scam/shakedown from a company called Pixsy. Essentially you can use anything that has a creative commons licence as long as you attribute the creator, pixsy has been sending letters asking for money (150k in some cases) from people who did attribute the images but made a typo, or left a comma out due to a loophole in the creative commons 2.0 licence rules. They tried to shaft him using this despite him being a co-creator of creative commons licences.



Operation Mindcrime by Queensryche 


Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen

The onus is on the landlord by Joe Lycett


Josie Long's entire standup career


Adam Conovers podcast and Adam Ruins everything (especially the episodes on health care and billionaire philanthropy)


This article on how King Charles won't pay inheritance tax on £15.2bn of assets. like everyone else has to.

This wisecrack video on how the US has discovered children working in dangerous jobs and instead of making it stop are trying to legalise it, as no-one wants to do crappy jobs for crappy pay, and instead of increasing the pay, they want to make the work-start age 14.