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(1 edit)

I really enjoy the game. The lowpoly art style is so great, which matches with the chill music. This game has a new concept for me—you possess humans and sacrifice them for yourself. What an ego! xD I even just chose the human who can run and killed all who have slow speed (huhahahaha [evil laugh xD]).

If your game size is a little bit small, I believe more people will try this. Overall, your game is so great. I've got no word anymore. Good job! 

thanks for playing :D, sometime I make the slow human crashed with the car xD, yes the problem is with the size and I know it, however, this is the smallest I can get I think xD. Thank you again my fellow Indonesian comrade!

If you like the game, you can also follow Good Spuun on twitter for future update :D (Good Spuun (@GSpuun92889) / Twitter)