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The minimalistic snare with the timpani to start off the piece set up a great image in my mind of the pre-launch stage of a space launch where everything is calm and everyone is just waiting. The main motif has a really interesting rhythm, and I’d have to say your approach to rhythm-first writing here was a success! I think that the drums have the biggest impact on me imagining a rocket ship lift off from this piece. But I think that the fact that the synth parts without the drums would sound very calm and serene is a creative choice that sonically describes what I would imagine gently traveling through space would feel like. Overall great work and thank you for sharing!

Thank you so much! I've always had an affinity for busy drums. Sometimes it works, sometimes it aims straight down and blows my legs out from under me lol. I personally like how this came out (although still kicking myself for not checking LUFS beforehand). Excited to give a review on yours, going to do my voting tonight I think!