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Very well named, I panicked a lot about those portals. I went into the game without reading the description, so the first time through I immediately sent all my villagers into the portals and lost!

I don't have the APM or the coordination to do well in these types of games, but at least I can have sixth place on day one! One day I should find out how to do leaderboards, they add a ton of replayability to games like these!

The art is especially great, I love the expressions on the monster's faces when you grab them to deprive them of a meal! :)


I had never made a leaderboard until this jam!  We did this game leaderboard using and honestly, it was easier than I would have expected!  Ty for the review <3

Ooh, thank you! I'll take a look at lootlocker once my brain recovers from being jammed out! :D