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(2 edits) (+1)

hewlo Jashinn 

i have another suggestion

that is adding allure mechanics, so when syahata womb is full it also can affect the enemy.

the effects can be something like increase the enemy walking speed/ increase the speed of climax/cum bar, or even the range of the taunt

however this mechanics cant stand alone and it need another mechanics to balance it, 

and this is when the mastrubate mechanics come to shine, so everytime syahata masturbate it will decrease the amount of cum inside of her womb, but idk how it makes sense tho maybe use a dildo with rough surface? ehem.

(personally i dont think the mastrubate should serve a specific thing, it can just exist and it makes sense especially after look and getting fuked by so many monster)

also can we get the outside view and close up view of syahata pussy? ehemm (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)

and again pls dont push your self too hard


Very good idea, I will try to enrich the masturbate function again o( ̄▽ ̄)d


personally i dont think the mastrubate should serve a specific thing, it can just exist and it makes sense

I think masturbation should either recover HP or Recover stamina but even more than it does currently

also change stamina and instead making it requiment to hit with stick, make it requiment for dash instead, dashing a lot will make player go faster and dodge enemies more easily, but decreasing stamina will reduce our toughness so enemies rape easier.

losing semen this way sounds ok though 

even tho i think its ok gor masturbate to not serve any mechanics (lore wise) i do admit tho that it is can be better in gameplay wise

and for your suggestions i think we should ask Jashinn something important


do you want this game to be more focus on combat, or do you want this game to more about lure and let the monster do their thing?

for me instead of dashing i think parrying is better cuz at least for now the wave of enemy is not really big and crowd of monster i usually just let them rape syahata to gain the immunity

also i think losing semen with mastrubate is a bit too ridiculous cuz, how she gonna reach it?

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for me instead of dashing i think parrying is better cuz at least for now the wave of enemy is not really big and crowd of monster i usually just let them rape syahata to gain the immunity

currently enemies doesnt give player a single reason to kill them, as you said you just let them rape you since its faster than fighting. killing or even stopping for parrying wont give you much, on the other hand dashing will increase travel speed by a lot, lets be honest, syahata isnt very fast walking around

additionally if we assume parrying would work like in some games and successful parry would give you increased next hit damage or other profits, this requires working around fight system more since currently using stick in fight isnt very responsible and fast enough to let you do this easily

how she gonna reach it

spread pussy and some come out, I dont say all of it.

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the parry that i meant is just a way to slow down the enemy, something like knock down the enemy, increase enemy cool down for the next attack 

and for travel speed yeah 

for the stick, the attack speed is not a problem to me, the problem is the cost of stamina, a full stack is just enough to kill 1

anyway i dont wanna discuss the mechanics around fighting while we dont know if Jashinn want this game to be more aggressive/passive, and im sure Jashinn have the fighting style in mind for this game

spread pussy and some come out, I dont say all of it.

ehem i hope we got a close up view if it actually happened in future 

ehem i hope we got a close up view if it actually happened in future 

I see, youre man of culture as well

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we can see syahata uterus and rectum so i really hope we get the same thing for the outside view aswell