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Always overjoyed to hear when the feedback is of such use!
I am running a twin 1080ti with an i7-6800k and 32GB of RAM, but also running two instances of obs and adobe character animator. So that might be a weird point of comparison.  Though I don't usually drop frames on things like Anthem or Warframe, so who knows?

I'm about to enter school for game design, so it means a lot to hear that my feedback is useful :)

Whoa, that's quite a rig. I'm a little jealous. Slows down for me using a single instance of Obs, but not below 30 fps unless I'm in massive caves (using a single 680ti, i7-2700k, and 16GB RAM).

Nevertheless, I'm currently working on some performance improvements that will go in the next patch.  Reducing the number of enemies kills two birds with one stone, since they are pretty performance heavy and doing so addresses your concerns about combat vs too many monsters. That, along with some changes to the post-processing effects, prop density, particle effects, and some UI systems should round off the first wave of performance adjustments.

Good luck with school! Getting into game development reflects a big industry change for me (I studied mechanical engineering) and I certainly wish I had taken some courses on game design before diving into my first project (this). Janky-animations and bugs notwithstanding, I'd be happy to answer any questions regarding game development in Unity!