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Hey Tom, how's it going? Yeah, I actually checked all the file-sharing options like Google Drive, Mega, Mediafire, and Dropbox, but the problem with those platforms is twofold. First, with large files, if you don't have an account on the platform, you can't download them. And secondly, the link to share the content remains exposed, so anyone can share the link and everyone would have access to the content. That doesn't happen with Telegram since the invitation links change all the time. Out of all the options I've tried to solve the file problem on Itchio, Telegram seemed the most practical and straightforward for everyone. I'm sorry you're not satisfied with the solution, but like I said, it's the best I could find. I'm sorry about your decision, but for now, it's the best I've found to distribute the content in a simple and organized way without it leaking outside of the platform. I hope you understand. Cheers.


Well, your first point is irrelevant since with Telegram you also need an account, and more so, here that’s for any file size.
As for the second point, I understand you concern.
As for the fact that Telegram “is a data-mining app”, Tom Swift Sr., I suggest you to inform you more by reading their faq, I was skeptic firt too but it’s not as awful as I though, the true thing that we need to be careful of is the bots that are integrate by channel administrators as they can give a wrong impression of trust (I invite to read this) and we not forcibly know their purposes (so it’s a matter of trust).