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This is a very interesting idea. I struggled at first, because I didn't really understand what was going on, but most of that cleared up after reading the 'Tips' section. Maybe think about renaming it to something like 'Tips & Controls' or 'How to play' or something for people like me who see 'Tips' and immediatly go 'Ah, I'm sure I can figure it out'. The menus felt really nice and fleshed out. Also for the first few levels I thought I had only one shot for making the shape. Maybe try signaling that to the player more. The waiting and lining up of the blocks I didn't mind too much, it made the game feel more like involving careful consideration/strategy. Taking it out may result in something more 'Action-y'. The music was fitting and gave the game a fun athmosphere, however I thought it got slightly repetetive over time. Overall, a neat concept that could probably be really good with slightly more polish.