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Wow! Thanks for all the information. I don't know what changes could be made to the original program I used to make this which is LOVEDOS as I didn't write it, but it is open source. Still a lot out of my league to change it though. I have been looking into other ways to make native DOS games, even going so far as to look into Assembler (scary), but this was a quick and somewhat dirty way to get a taste of the dream of making a true DOS game.

Perhaps next I'll remove the middle man and make something directly in C and compile it myself to see if I can squeeze a lot more out of the little room I have to work with.

I'd love to try this game on my 486SX! If you can make a version with co-processor emulation, it'd be sweet!


Unfortunately this is more of a closed system. It's written on the back of an open source game making system called LOVE2D. This build is from LOVEDOS and it runs the way it runs due to the interpreter used to turn LUA (what I code in) into C. It's compatibility is untested in most cases as far as I know so you may be able to just play it on an old system without any changes needing to be made. In order to change it I would have to alter the source code which is way above my skill level at this time. You're, of course, welcome to try it on whatever system you like and I do know it runs in DOS on at least a K6-2.