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Hi! Glad to anwser all these. 

1) That is correct, +1 wood per action. Might not seem much, but it is way easier for him to recover from zero and save the tools for the hard events when investigating. Also that +1 flamewood will come in handy for trading at towns and such. 

2) That's correct. 

3) As with the rest of the game, it is designed for the player to chose whatever is or seems less harmful at the moment. So, whichever you want. 

4) It is 2 K and 1 Q. The idea is that the player will choose Twist Reality/Spread the Darkness often, since those are the "less harmful" actions. Also, whenever the Diamond pile empties up, you start drawing from Spades every time you investigate. Also, whenever you find the Cemetery, you can retrieve "and find" one of the special cards from the Spades deck, be it the last Q or one of the Ks. So there's 3 failsaves in the mechanics to keep the game from endlessly stalling

Hope this helps! 

oh where is it mentioned that after emptying the diamond pile, player draws from the spades? I must've missed that!

Hello again! 

We played again, lovely experience! 

Again, I have yet another two questions if I may... 

1) The Jack of hearts location. Lets you gain a flame once per round. What happens if I enter the tile, I then gain the flame token and, at beginning of the next round, since I'm already on the tile, I gain another token again? 

2) there are four copies of the 8 of hearts location hex tile and only one 4 of hearts... Why? :(

I need to reread the English translation, but it should be once per turn, only one time within your eight actions, then you can do it again after waking up for the next turn. 

In an earlier version (around the time the tokens were designed), one of the Forest's actions turned a random location into flamewood forest, so there were some extra copies of that tile. Also, the game was originally intended to be played with a map drawn as you go. The tiles were an adition, unlocked during the campaign, that a friend offered to add to the game. I will definitely look at the file again and balance the amount of each tile. Thank you for the heads up.