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Great game. I played through the whole thing and made it to the end.  I don't normally do that with game jam games. The spear mechanic is nice and refreshingly unique. You could come up with some fun puzzles with that.

This game is the roots of something grand I hope you don't give up. It reminds me of games like Hyperlight Drifter and Zelda. Add some more enemy types in areas and some extra puzzles and keep expanding content.

Also the boss looks really good. Is it 3D and everything else is 2D, how did you do that?

Thanks for your comment! Happy you enjoyed it. I enjoyed creating it and might indeed take this concept further with more puzzles and unique bosses.
I also thought about adding a hard mode (you only have 1 heart) and a hardcore mode (if you die you need to start over) and a combination of the 2. Seems like some nice low hanging fruits to increase the challenge.

The boss is indeed 3D. I modeled and animated him in blender. In Godot I created a 3D scene with the boss, an orthographic camera at a 45 degree angle and a light. In my 2D scene I then added a SubViewport with the 3D scene as a child. Then finally I added a  Sprite2D and used the viewportTexture to render the viewport to the sprite. Then the most finicky part was getting the hitboxes of the fists slamming the ground to align with where they visually were (due to the angle). For that I drew some path2Ds and made the hitboxes follow those paths based on the rotation of the boss.

Those sound like great ideas but I wouldn't get hung up on the difficulty too early. Look to expand the content of the game. I replayed it just now and most of the game is empty with large areas before transitions with just wandering. If you had an enemy to fight in each of those it would go a long way. Having a variety of enemies to fight also increases the difficulty too as the player needs to learn how to fight each one.