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(1 edit) (+1)

Oh I didn't consider that someone might be holding S. I was under the impression that players would only be tapping S when they need to fast fall. Is that just a more comfortable way for you to play the game, or did you think you had to hold it to fast fall? That's a good point though, you definitely should still be able to jump even if you're holding S before you initiate the jump. Next time around I'll be sure to mess around with all kinds of inputs to try and squash these bugs before the jam is done. Thanks for the feedback!

Edit: I tried it out and I wasn't able to replicate your results. Maybe there's a difference in our keyboards?


I just tested back, and it's a mistake from me. the problem i had were in the hard part and in think it was when i was holding S at the end of the platform, and just missed the jumps ^^' . The game goes so fast it's sometime hard see what exactly happened.

I didn't notice i just had to tap, but i think a tap is good. It's just very difficult for my brain to handle timing, how long to press the jump, and timing for the fall. I feel like it's harder if i use different hands too, it's unusual as a control for video game.

the only area were fall control were frustrating were the 2 last checkpoints, especially the first of the 2. I thinks it's because you need to time it along with the jump timing.