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really neat! I like the visual style, it's very clean. Obviously this being a jam game i don't expect the game to be fully furnished and having lots of enemy variety but as a proof of concept how i'd make this better is add enemy variety and spells that work better for certain enemies (metal enemies attract lightning from the thunderstorm spell, book enemies take extra damage from fire spells, etc.) which would help make this game prompt you to use different strategies at different times. Maybe add ways to make spells that interact with eachother - like a lightning rod for lightning and stuff. Over all what i think this entry has the most is potential.

Thanks for the input. I did still had a lot of ideas for this game, like you said, more enemies and spells/combinations. I even started on drawing a fire book enemy, but realized it was too much to finish on a weekend. I wanted to focus on having a polished game instead of a half-finished one. Maybe I'll continue working on it, if I find the motivation :)