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There is a chicken and background music now. I'm not sure if the growing trees represent spring, but overall the game is quite frustrating, especially with the FPS issue (although I tried not to pay much attention to it). The game itself is pretty cool, but one thing I think needs improvement is the ability to go out of bounds vertically, as it disrupts the player's perspective too much. CONTINUE LIKE THAT !


thanks for your comment! Yes, it seemed to me that trees and grass would create a rather pleasant atmosphere of spring. After all, this is a rather broad concept, almost anything can be understood as spring, except perhaps for the direct manifestation of other seasons, for example, snow (winter), or rain (autumn). I'm sorry if my representation of spring was not believable enough for you. I fixed the FPS issue by optimizing the game a lot, now you shouldn't have any problems :3

I also fixed the problem with vertical out of screen borders, it seemed to me not very serious, but since several players wrote about it, I tried to fix it quickly! Can you please play again and give your feedback this time?

I just replayed it and honestly, I appreciate it even more now that I've noticed the detailed ambiance changing throughout the seasons. I have a lot more FPS, so honestly, I love your game!