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(1 edit)

So I’m having some troubles. I had this game already installed on my laptop and it ran smoothly with no problems whatsoever. I had to delete it and install it again cause it wasn’t letting me open the application. No that I have it again, every time I open it it gives me a Performance Warning

 Any idea on how to fix this?

Hello! Can you show what the warning says in a screenshot? Does the game crash after or can you keep playing if you ignore it?

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I've been trying to upload a screenshot but it wont allow me to, sorry. 

Also i can play the game if i just go to one of the options which say "Render options" and then got to menu. But then it wont allow me to play the DLC

I could try and email it to you if you have an email?

Nvm, here’s the picture 

Thanks for sending it! I'm afraid that warning wouldn't impact the DLC. It would just mean the images might flicker or the game could run slowly. The fix would be updating drivers/graphic cards.

If you're having issues with the DLC there's something else going on. Can you show me your "game" folder. I could try to see if there's anything missing or out of place. And when you check the DLC info does it say the DLCs are unlocked?

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So after I click to check the DLC info it takes me out of the app completely 

I’m starting to think that it’s probably something with my laptop since I get the same thing for OL: Now&Forever

The device is struggling to run the game because of a driver/graphics card issue and that may be why it's closing. But for the DLC, I don't see that the file has been added to the game folder, so it wouldn't be able to unlock.

I see. Well I was able to download everything on an old phone of mine so everything’s fine now! Thanks for your help!

I'm glad you found a way to get it to work!