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(2 edits)

Congrats to the release, I was watching the development of your game for some time now and it's always great to see the golden "1.0" coming out! I'm interested in purchasing your game here but I see the price is significantly higher than on Steam. I'd prefer buying it here because I don't like DRM - may I ask if the Steam-version is DRM-free? (in other words: can I play the game without the client running in the background?)

Thanks so much!

The steam version is DRM free! You could just copy the game files out of the steam install directory and archive it anywhere you'd like.

The reason for the higher price on itch is the included android build which is not included on steam. 

(2 edits) (+1)

That's wonderful to hear, then I'll buy it on Steam. :)

edit: Done. ;)