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I took a few updates off to let some content catch up and recently came back and got to the point where you can start trying to take over sections of the map. I know that's kind of the section that's on currently, but I wanted to ask if you had any plans to eventually make that section auto-able? (Like an option to auto-win the battles)

LOVE the story and really enjoyed the game up to here but I found myself not wanting to put as much effort into figuring out the combat system. I know some folks found it easy but I think it just isn't my cuppa' tea!

Regardless of yay or nay, your game is incredible and I am looking forward to more!


I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I hadn't considered an auto-win option for the combat system, but thinking about it, it would be fairly simple to code... so I'll look into working on that next week for the 0.19.0 update :)


You're THE best!


Quick update - the "auto-win" option is now in the game and will be available next week in v0.19.0 :)


I think I love you.

I half expected my request to be received poorly because I know you put a lot of effort into the system (not to mention the rest of the incredible game), and here I am wanting to skip over it..
I really really appreciate your understanding - and MAN the turn-around time was insane! aha

I am stoked and looking forward to more!